Identify and cure plant diseases with Blossom
Is your green buddy dying?
Try the Blossom app to identify the cause and get extensive disease and care info in a snap.
Try the Blossom app to identify the cause and get extensive disease and care info in a snap.
Personal plant doctor in your pocket
Have you ever searched ‘what’s wrong with my plant’? The results may have been disappointing… No more with Blossom! Simply snap a photo of the issue to get a diagnosis. Blossom will give you detailed info on the disease, what caused it, how to treat it, and how to prevent it.
Frequently asked questions
How does Blossom identify plant diseases?
Blossom uses AI to recognize the disease your green buddy has. Our database contains 100 diseases, such as root rot, overwatering, powdery mildew, thrips, and more.
Can Blossom identify plant pests?
Sure! Our technology can recognize many species, from houseplant pests to outdoor ones. You will get tips on how to fight and prevent spider mites, thrips, aphids, mealybugs, and many others.
Does Blossom work for outdoor species?
Blossom is a plant problem identifier that works for both indoor and outdoor plants - it can recognize a variety of problems and diseases. Be sure you will find solutions for your garden pals, from flowers and trees to veggies and fruits.
More than just disease identification
Blossom is more than just plant disease identification app!
Try Blossom for free and get access to an extensive care library, identification tools, care reminders, with tons of plant care tips and much more!
Try Blossom for free and get access to an extensive care library, identification tools, care reminders, with tons of plant care tips and much more!
Our users say
This plant app is by far my favorite. It’s plant diagnostics are great and almost always spot on. I love the care routines and the interesting articles
I used to struggle with watering too much or not enough. My poor plant babies suffered so much. Thanks to this app they suffer no more and are healthy and thriving!
My husband won’t be able to make fun of me for killing every plant I get! Now I have all the information to provide the right care!
Stop killing – start treating your plants!